Dear Tammy,
I love the rose that your husband gave you. I wish I had a guy like that. I have a quick relationship type question for you...How do you know if he's "the one"? I'm in a relationship right now and he seems perfect for me. He's smart and funny. My family loves him. I just don't want to make a mistake. I want to be married for the rest of my life. I love him very much and we get along great together. We seem made for each other. I just want to know for sure, without a doubt. Thanks for any advice you can give,
Carol B.
Dear Carol, I think you already know the answer to your question. In fact, you say right in the beginning of your email "I wish I had a guy like that." If your guy is so perfect, where are your flowers? You need to take a step back from the relationship. Don't rush into anything. Honor yourself by taking what you think into consideration. It's great that your family likes him, but what about you? Let me answer your first question. How do you know if he's the one? You just know. It seems cliche, but until you feel it for yourself, you can't understand.
All My Best,